Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Simple Present Tense

What is simple present tense guys ? Do you know it ? Yup, I’ll tell you about SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE now, check this out !
Okay friends, you can to use simple present for express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situations, wishes.and emotions. It’s a type of sentences that tells about something do that happen now or daily life.
In simple present tense, you can to use this pattern :
a. Verbal Sentences
(+) S + Verb 1 (-s/-es) + O + . . .
(-) S + don’t/doesn’t + Verb 1 + O + . . .
(?) Do/does + S + O + ?
Examples :
(+) Dittha buys a book in the bookstore.
(-) Risty cooks noodle in the mid night.
(?) Did Sintya play her doll on Tuesday ?

b. Non Verbal Sentences
(+) S + to be (am/is/are) + noun/adverb/adjective
(-) S + to be + not + noun/adverb/adjective
(?) To be + S + noun/adverb/adjective + ?
Examples :
I am pretty
She is not sexy
Are they cute ?

Note :
Guys, the verb that ending in –y : the third person changes the –y to –ies
Fly  flies
Cry  cries
Exception : if there’s a vowel before the –y
Play  Plays
Pray  Prays
Add –es to verb that ending in : -ss, -x, -ch,
He passes
She catches
He fixes
It pushes
Simple present used adverbs :

• Generally
• Usually
• Seldom
• Everyday
• Sometimes
• Every morning
• Often
• Ever
• Never
• Every week

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