Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Gratitude, congratulation, and compliment


Guys, do u know what is gratitude ? I’ll tell u about it now. Gratitude is an expression of being grateful or thankful.
Example of gratitude :

Thank you for your . . .
I’m really grateful to you
Much obliged
Thanks a lot for everything
My heart felt thanks to . . .
You have my gratitude

The response of gratitude :
You’re welcome
My pleasure
No problem
Don’t mention it 


Okay Guys, I’ll tell you about what’s compliment? It’s an expression of praise, commendation, or admiration.
Example of compliment are :

Well done
That’s great
Nice try !
Nice work !
What a nice dress / outfit
You look great
How beautiful you look 


Do you ever congratulate your friend guys ? Yeah, congratulation is an expression of such joy.
Example of congratulation are :

Congratulation !
Happy Birthday
Happy New Year
Merry Christmas
Happy Lebaran Day
I must congratulate you on . . .
Please accept my heartiest congratulations

Surprise and Disbelief

1. Surprise
       I think everyone like it. Surprise ! yeaah.. I’ll tell you about, what is surprise on my mind. Surprise is the act of surprising or the condition of being surprised. It can cause person say something unintended.
Example of surprise expression :

What ….
Oh my God !
Goodness !
Awesome ! 


          Hi guys, do you know what is disbelief ?Okay I’ll tell you about it now. Disbelief is an act of doubt about the truth of something or a rejection of belief.
Example :

Unbelieveable !
I don’t believe . . .
No, way
You can’t be serious !
You lie !
That’s not true
I doubt about that
Example of the dialog :
Rama : How can you say that ? I can’t believe that !
Dinda : Well, that’s a fact.

Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is available for a screen reader device to audibly describe a graph or map so a visually impaired user can understand the graphical information . Or to describe the characteristic of particular Person, thing , or place .
* Textstructure:
- Identification: Identifies thing, person, place, phenomenon to be described.
- Description: Gives the information of particular thing, person, or
 Place being discussed or describes parts, qualities, or Characteristic.
* Language figures:
a. Topic is usually about the attributes of a think.
b. The use of think person pronoun forms is used.
c. The use of focus specific human and non human participants.
d. The use of reasoning expressed as verbs or noun.
e. The use of material.
f. The use of relation and mental process.
* Characteristic:
a. Use the simple present tense.
b. Using detailed noun phrases to provide information on the subject.
c. Uses relating verbs to provide information on the subject.
d. Use the thinking and feeling verbs to reveal personal views about the subject
e. Use action verbs.
f. Use adverbials to provide additional information.
g. Use figurative language such as simile, metaphor.
* Grammatical features:
- Who? What?
- Using linking verb and simple present tense,
- Epithet: adjective or adjective phrase,
- Attributive (the)
- Use a attributive and identifying process,
- Focus an specific participants,
- Frequent use of epithets and classified in nominal groups
Bandengan Beach
Bandengan Beach or Tirta Samudra Beach is the famous beach in jepara. the place is very beautiful and romantic. people around Jepara, Kudus, Demak knows this place.
This place is located 7 kilometers north of Jepara city center. The way to get there is very easy. Just follow the traffic sign and you will find it. From the town square, follow the road to Bangsri then turn left when reached kuwasen village. You can take public transportation or by your own vehicle.
The white sandy beach which has pure water is good for swimming. The beach is save enough for swimming because the beach is shallow and the wave is not so big. This place is more beautiful at dusk. We can see the beautiful sunset with our family or friends.
In this location, we can sit and relax on the shelter while enjoy the natural beach breezy wind. It also has large pandan tree field. It is suitable for youngster activities such as camping.
If we want to sail, we can rent the traditional boat owned by local people. We can make voyage around the beach or we can go to pulau panjang (panjang island). Some time we can find banana boat and jet ski for rent.
In this place we can find many traditional footstalls. We can order traditional foods sold by the trader such as roasted fish, crab, boiled shell. Pindang srani is one of the delicious food enjoyed by the visitors.
come to the bandengan beach and you will find a paradise on the tips of Muria peninsula

Direct and indirect speech

do you know what is it ? Oke guys we will discuss about it now guys !!

in indonesian we knoe it as Kalimat langsung dan kalimat tidak langsung . And you must have learn it when junior high school right. And what is means direct speech ??
Direct speech : refers to reproducing another persons extract word. We use quotation marks (" ")

Example of Direct Speech :

1. LIna said, “I’m very busy .”
2. They said, “We have bought a picture.”
3. He said, “I am learning my lesson.”
4. Lisa says, “I got the first prize.”
5. You said, “I will come to help him.”
6. Jalu will say, “I will do my best.”

And what is Indirect speech ? PKE we will discuss it too
Indirect speech : refers to reproducing the idea of another persons word.
Indirect speech have 3 kinds. you can see it now guys !

There are 3 kinds of indirect speech :

1. Imperrative (command/request)
2. interrogative (question)
3. Declarative (statement)

Example :

1. Imperrative (command / request)

Direct : Mrs. Rika said to Dina, "Don't wory about it."
Indirect : Mrs. Rika told Dina not to wory about it.

2. Interrogative (question)

Direct : Risa asked to Nico, "Are you a journalist?"
Indirect : Risa asked if / whether He was journalist.

3. Declarative (statement)

Direct : Mr. Dion said, "I worked hard yesterday."
Indirect : Mr. Dion said that he worked hard the day before.

In comand sentences, direct speech can changed to indirect speech with change "Said" to be "Ordered", "Told", and "Forbade".

And i hope this materi can make you understand about direct speech and indirect speech and you can do it in your daily life guys :)


Finite tense

Finite verbs is a verb that is inflected for person and for tense according to the rules and categories of languages in which it occurs.
Finite verb can form independent clause, which stand by their own as complete sentence.

A sentence life thanks for your help. Has a nintergection where could have a subject and a finite verb form. The finite forms of a verb are the forms where the verb show tense, person, or singular/plural.
Example :
I go to school
She writes a note
They buy a lot of candies
Non-finite verb is a verb are the forms where the verb don’t show tense or person.
